Monday 10 February 2014

Survey of police custody Sergeants and Managers

The first phase of the project is underway. This involves us surveying custody managers in as many of the 24-7 police custody facilities across the country as possible. The survey takes 30-60 mins to complete and will be helpful for improving our understanding of how police custody is delivered across England and Wales, including about the management and mix of public and private employees, the throughput of detainees and the numbers of staff located in the custody facility. The purpose of this is to have have an understanding of the variations in how police custody is delivered, nationally, so that we can begin to identify different types of custody set-ups. In addition, this survey will help us to shortlist potential case study locations for phase two and develop our police custody benchmarking tool in phase four.

At the moment we have 19 police forces in England and Wales taking part in this phase of the project, however, to get as complete a picture of police custody as possible, we are keen to get all police forces on board. If you would be interested in taking part in this study or are keen to have some more information, feel free to get in touch with any of the team at the University of Sheffield or tweet us @policecustody .

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